Forklift Rodeo T-Shirt Design
Forklift rodeo shirt
After racking my brains and hitting many brick walls, one morning, I woke up, and this idea popped into my head. After showing my illustration around, people said they wanted to participate in the rodeo just to get a shirt.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Four horsemen
I had an excellent thought once to combine key elements of each of the horsemen with images of horse's heads. I think I did a pretty good job at showing each of them: Death, Famine, War, and Conquest.
TrueTouch Color Chart
TrueTouch color chart
Our distributors needed an accurate color chart to sell make-up. I helped create the swatches by smearing make-up before art directing the shoot. I then spent hours with the pre-press designer before printing to ensure accurate color matches.
Healthy Homes Brochure Cover
Healthy Homes brocure
This cover was inspired by the Healthy Homes logo I had created. It was fun to take elements of the logo and produce 3D-looking elements for the main illustration.
The Tree House Book Cover
The Tree House book cover
This is a story about a boy who grows up and goes to war. I love the contrast of figures and colors. The author decided to remove the figures and have one background color. The client is almost always right, however, and it still ended up being an excellent cover.
Revenol Brochure Cover
Revenol brochure
This product is supposed to remove heavy metals from your body, hence the metal-looking cover. I fondly remember de-seeding grapes to get the row of seeds at the top of the spread.
Crown Diamond Pin
Crown Diamond pin
Here is a pin I designed for the Crown event in Hawaii. O.C. Tanner produced the pins for us, and each year, their reps submit their favorite pins for judging. My pin was in the Top 20 of Most Beautiful Recogintion Symbols of 2008.